Car Seats

Shop our range of car seats at NBS, from newborn all the way up to 12 years, offering the highest standards of safety from CYBEX, Maxi-Cosi, Nuna and more - as well as car seat adapters, bases and travel accessories to ensure safe travels wherever you go.
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    Car Seats FAQs

    By law, babies must be transported in rearward-facing baby seats until they are 15 months old or 9kg in weight, according regulation ECE R44/04). The chance of injury in an accident is reduced by 90% compared to forward-facing chairs. Rearward-facing seats offer more protection for your little one's head, neck, and spine. Therefore, it's recommended that you keep your little one in a rearward-facing seat as long as you can. When they can sit up unassisted, the seat's weight limit has been reached, or your little one is too big for the seat (typically when the top of their head is over the top of the seat), you should only switch them to a forward-facing seat -a bigger rearward-facing seat (from group 1 or group 2) is another option. Car seats that face backwards usually include an energy-absorbing interior and a built-in 3-5 point harness to securely fasten.

    ISOFIX stands for “International Standards Organisation Fix”. ISOFIX is the top-class level of car seat safety on the market at present which ensures that your car seat is secured safely and correctly. ISOFIX is a universal system for fitting car seats that uses an attachment point built into the car rather than a seat belt which makes it easier to secure by reducing the risk of error. Approx. 60% of all European cars feature ISOFIX points, you can check yours via car compatibility guides online.

    ISOFIX became mandatory in all vehicles manufactured after Nov 2014 which required all new cars to be manufactured with ISOFIX fittings. It can be found in most models prior to this but this is always worth checking. It’s also worth noting that the ISOFIX standard covers Group 0+ and Group 1 chairs, which is from birth to 4 years. While Group 2/3 (4-12 years) car seats are categorised by a system called ISOFIT. The difference is that Isofit seats still makes use of the vehicle’s Isofix anchor points but, unlike Isofix, uses the vehicle’s built-in three-point seatbelt to restrain the child rather than the five-point belt built in to Isofix seats.

    When buying a car seat, make sure to try a few in your car before deciding which one is best for your family. Here at Natural Baby Shower, we offer a car seat fitting service at the store located in Bagshot, Surrey where you can receive expert advice and installation guides from our trained Nursery Specialists. We can also check if your car has its Isofix connector installed. Most modern family cars are equipped with Isofix connection points so look for them in the upholstery crevices of your car's seat. If you expect your baby to travel in different vehicles regularly, such as with other family members, check to see if the car seat fits in their vehicle. Some car seat manufacturers offer online guides that show which cars their seats fit. Always choose a baby or child seat that matches your child's current height and weight, plus have a think about how you will use your car seat. For example, if you frequently load your little one in and out of the car, you may want to purchase a lightweight seat with a base that stays in the car. All car seats in this country must be EU-approved.

    Yes, but we recommend little ones should ride in the back of the car to avoid risk of injury. If you're using a rear-facing child seat – you are required to deactivate all front airbags. For using forward-facing seat in the front of the car, make sure to move the seat back as far as possible to maximise the distance between the child and the airbag. If at all possible, avoid putting a forward-facing restraint in an airbag-equipped seat. If it is not possible, consult the manufacturer of the car for guidance. You should also make sure your little one is far beyond the airbag's expansion region by finding out how far the airbag extends when it is activated. Put the passenger seat as far back from the vehicle as possible, so that the car seat is very securely fitted and your little one is securely held by the harness or seat belt.

    Car seats are designed to keep little ones safe while on the move and should not be a primary sleeping space. This also includes using car seats as alternatives for cribs or highchairs which is not safe. When using a car seat to drive for long periods, it is important that you take breaks. Many car seat manufacturers and NHS guidelines recommend that a baby should not be in a car seat for longer than 2 hours throughout the day as research has found a link between travelling in car seats for longer periods of time and breathing difficulties.

    R129 (often referred to as i-Size) raises the minimum safety standard. It aims to improve the compatibility of the car seat to the child's development, and the compatibility of the car seat to the car itself. The regulation also stipulates that side-impact testing has to be carried out, which is not a requirement of R44. This does not mean R44 is not safe, it simply means R129 takes extra steps to increase the already high level of safety further.

    It will carry a label that confirms that it meets the requirements of the relevant regulation (either R44 or R129).

    We say as long as possible! The R129 Regulation stipulates that your child should be rearward facing until at least 15 months old. However, many car seats allow children to rear-face for longer and we recommend keeping your child rear-facing at least until the limit of your car seat is reached.

    ISOFIX car seats are more likely to be fitted correctly with a reduced risk of user error, therefore making them safer, however, well fitted belted car seats (in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions) can be equally safe.

    Legally, car seats do not have expiry dates. It is still legal to use seats that were approved to R44/03, some of which date back to the mid '90s. Every car seat currently sold by retailers has to meet current legislation. However, by using an older car seat, you will not benefit from the improvements in technology or innovation that a new seat may provide.

    Both systems are capable of fulfilling the safety and performance requirements of R44 and R129 and there is no evidence that one is better than another.

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